You Can Flip The Switch ! - By Sharon Roberts

If you think of your brain as a power grid, there are billions of pathways or roads, lighting up every time you think, feel or do something. These are our habits, our established ways of thinking, feeling, and doing. Every time we think in a certain way, practice a particular task, or feel an emotion, we strengthen this road. It becomes easier for our brains to travel this pathway.  When we start to think differently, we start carving out a new road and if we keep traveling that road, our brains begin to use this pathway more, and this new way of thinking, feeling, or doing becomes second nature. The old pathway becomes less and less and weakens and this process of rewiring your brain by forming new connections and weakening old ones is neuroplasticity in action.

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About Sharon Roberts - Sharon Roberts has been a Davis Facilitator since 2003; she is also a board member of The Whole Dyslexic Society. It is her goal that everyone she works with discovered and embraces their innate gifts.

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