Newsletter February 2022

February News

What an amazing year it is already… and its still only mid February !

We have some incredible news…we set ourselves a goal this year to raise $25,000 for our administration costs.

It is extremely difficult to find a sponsor/grant that will fund administration and it is our wonderful administration that keeps us going.

So... in order to become more effective we sent out 6 emails on Jan 31st.  5 days later we were staggered to receive $25,000 from a private foundation for our administration. There isn’t a word that I have discovered that goes beyond grateful which would express how we feel. We are continuing our search for sponsorship and can now widen our ‘ask’ to include funds for bursaries and Davis Learning Strategies (DLS) promotion.

What an amazing year !

  • Julie and Sue gave a presentation on DLS to 16 Montessori teachers, two of whom have signed up for the next DLS Workshop.

  • Nadine and Sue are taking Richard Whitehead’s training to present his Why Ty Course which supports parents as they help their children with homework and school in general. This course is open to parents of children who struggle, whether they have a label or not, whether they have taken a program or not because True Knowledge is Experiential and we all want to be the best equipped parents we can be.

  • The school in Saskatchewan that we were able to help financially sent all the staff to the previous DLS Workshop, admin, teachers and LAC. We are hoping to be of more use to them.

  • Sue’s book, Fish Don’t Climb Trees, is now out in an Audio version.

NEW Why Ty Parent’s

  • Free Why Ty for teachers and parents; designed to inform re: the challenges and the solutions. Check out the free course HERE.

  • Sue Hall, Sharon Roberts and Nadine Schumont will soon be able to provide a Why Ty 6 week course; designed for parents to help visual learners with their homework. To read more about this course for parents visit HERE. If you would like to book a session with Sue, Sharon or Nadine please contact us at

What an amazing year we can look forward to!

Thanks to this staggering generosity, we now feel we can promote our Gifted with Dyslexia pins as a Universal Symbol, we can launch our WDS 20th birthday celebration in April… $20 for 20 years, we can produce more podcasts, we might even be able to arrange physical community gatherings for our like-minded children soon… what an amazing year !  If you have goals for us, please let us know ! We’re in this together and our collective energy is bringing about these incredible results! ~~~~~THANK YOU.

Our Giving Guide: 

Purchase our Gifted with Dyslexia Pins.  Purchase our Pins Here

TruEarth Eco-Friendly Laundry Soap and Products.  20% of all sales go to our Society.  Please follow the link to our Tru-Earth product page to purchase.  Tru-Earth Eco-Friendly Products Here

See how donations can result in tax credits by reading the article below. Read More…Tax Benefits of Charitable Donations

We have Note Cards for sale at The Card Project. Visit The Card Project Here

Partial proceeds go to The WDS from sales and rentals of Ed Roman’s highly acclaimed “Red Omen” video. For more information on renting or buying Red Omen click here 

We gratefully accept donations through our Canada helps charity page. We have a variety of donor options. Thank you !

Canada Helps - General Fund 

Canada Helps Tribute - Donate in honour of or in memory of a loved one.  

Canada Helps Securities - A donation of securities or mutual funds is the most efficient way to give charitably. Since capital gains taxes don't apply, our charity receives the full fair market value when the security is sold, and you get a tax receipt which reflects your larger contribution. This allows you to give more and get more.

We are a registered charity with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can donate to our organization using your PayPal account with no fees. Thank you ! PayPal Giving Fund